From the very beginning, our Father Founder worked with lay people, men and women, married and unmarried, young and old, to further the kingdom of God.  In his spirit we too offer many ways in which you can join us.

If you are discerning a religious vocation and are interested in possibly becoming a Missionary Sister of the Precious Blood, please contact the Sister in the area applicable to you.  We have international formation houses in Africa, Europe and North America.

In nearly all our provinces, CPS Associates, lay men and women, share their talents and services to help us spread the redeeming love of Christ and bring reconciliation and hope in our world. They are united with us in prayer and mission.

In North America, the Pfanner Lay Mission Companions (PLMC) are dedicated women, men and/or families who have been called to follow Jesus through a commitment in another culture and/or country.  They hope to create solidarity links and assist in making the Kingdom of God more visible. Learn more

In Germany, we are very engaged in the project Missionaries for a Time (MAZ) which gives young people the opportunity to work for a time together with us in one of our projects. Learn more


As we embrace the Synodal Journey from 2021 to 2023, let us invite the Holy Spirit to be at work in us so that we may be a community and a people of grace. 
