General Chapter 2022 – Sr. Monica Mary Ncube is Re-Elected Superior General on 6 September 2022

Today we announce with great joy and thankful hearts our Superior General for the next five years:  Sr. Monica Mary Ncube, CPS

On Tuesday, 6 September 2022, at 9:45 am, Sr. Monica Mary Ncube, CPS was re-elected Superior General of the Missionary Sisters of the Precious Blood.  After a day of prayer and discernment on Monday, 5 September 2022, the capitulars are grateful to God that Sr. Monica has given her YES to lead the congregation for another five years.  The four General Assistants of Sr. Monica will be elected today and tomorrow, 7 September 2022.

As we embrace the Synodal Journey from 2021 to 2023, let us invite the Holy Spirit to be at work in us so that we may be a community and a people of grace. 
