General Chapter 2022 – First Week

Greetings from Neuenbeken, Germany where we are gathered for the 14th General Chapter, with the theme, “Rooted in God, Signs of Hope for Mission that has No Boundaries … and their eyes were opened…” (Lk. 24:31)   All Capitulars travelled and arrived well, except for a few who lost their luggage.  On arrival at the airport, we had a warm welcome from Sr. Franziscus Maria Möller who had patiently waited for 19 Capitulars from different countries who were arriving at different times. She ushered us to a beautiful big bus that was hired specifically for us.

On arrival at Neuenbeken Mission House, we felt like United Nations Delegates as we passed through the entrance that had flags flying on both sides of the entrance, .  The flags represented each and every one of our countries of origin.  Our Sisters from the Neuenbeken community welcomed us warmly with broad smiles; we felt at home.  It was a great time of meeting with our Sisters, and the joy of meeting as a CPS family was beyond telling, even behind our masks.

To ease our movement in the big house, Sunday, 21 August 2022 was an orientation day.  The Sisters in the community allocated each small group a tour guide to take the Sisters around the house.  This was much appreciated.

Our General Chapter commenced as planned on 22 August 2022, with the Solemn Eucharistic Celebration presided over by Fr. Michael Menke-Peitzmeyer.  In his homily he stated how our God is a God of surprises, who …”does not do what we think he is going to do and what we think he should do.”  He went on to say that Jesus Christ has the ability to make sense of all situations.  He concluded the Eucharistic Celebration by giving us a solemn blessing and wished us God’s guidance throughout the Chapter.   Since our opening mass, we have also been singing a special Chapter Mantra that was composed by Sr. Jackline Mwaka, CPS from the Zimbabwe-Zambia Province.

In the Chapter Hall, Sr. Monica Mary Ncube, Superior General, welcomed all the Capitulars and the Facilitator, Sr. Piluca Benavente Serrano, MSOLA. This was followed by the roll call, after which Sr. Monica Mary gave her opening remarks.  The second and third days of the Chapter were set apart for the Provincial and Regional Reports, which were given in the form of the Emmaus Journey, followed by the report of the General Council and the General Procurator and Finance Commission for the remainder of the week.

As we embrace the Synodal Journey from 2021 to 2023, let us invite the Holy Spirit to be at work in us so that we may be a community and a people of grace. 
