Video Summary of Pope Francis’ Urbi et Orbi – Vatican Media

Pope Francis gave an extraordinary message “To the City and to the World” (Urbi et Orbi) on 27 March 2020 to pray for an end to the Covid-19 pandemic.  “We are all on the same boat” in this crisis and we cry out to Jesus as the disciples did, “Teacher, do you not care if we perish?”   Pope Francis reminded us of Jesus’ response to the disciples: “Why are you afraid?  Have you no faith?”  (Mark 4:40)

“Dear brothers and sisters, from this place that tells of Peter’s rock-solid faith, I would like this evening to entrust all of you to the Lord, through the intercession of Mary, Health of the People and Star of the stormy Sea. From this colonnade that embraces Rome and the whole world, may God’s blessing come down upon you as a consoling embrace. Lord, may you bless the world, give health to our bodies and comfort our hearts. You ask us not to be afraid. Yet our faith is weak and we are fearful. But you, Lord, will not leave us at the mercy of the storm. Tell us again: ‘Do not be afraid’ (Mt 28:5). And we, together with Peter, ‘cast all our anxieties onto you, for you care about us’ (cf. 1Pet 5:7).”

 Urbi et Orbi Reflection of Pope Francis Full Text

As we step into the Jubilee Year from December 2024 to 2025,

let us invite God the Holy Spirit to enable us to be real pilgrims of Hope

in our communities and among the people we serve. 


Father in heaven,

may the faith you have given us

in your son, Jesus Christ, our brother,

and the flame of charity enkindled

in our hearts by the Holy Spirit,

reawaken in us the blessed hope

for the coming of your Kingdom.


May your grace transform us

into tireless cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel.

May those seeds transform from within both humanity

and the whole cosmos

in the sure expectation

of a new heaven and a new earth,

when, with the powers of Evil vanquished,

your glory will shine eternally.


May the grace of the Jubilee

reawaken in us, Pilgrims of Hope,

a yearning for the treasures of heaven.

May that same grace spread

the joy and peace of our Redeemer

throughout the earth.

To you our God, eternally blessed,

be glory and praise for ever.

Amen (more…)