Sisters’ Day (“Schwesterntag”) in Neuenbeken, Germany

On 30 September and 1 October 2017, the Sisters of the German Province celebrated “Sisters’ Day” at Missionshaus Neuenbeken.  The theme of the gathering was “Widen the Space of Your Tent”, the theme of our General Chapter 2017. In addition to the lively presentation and discussion of the resolutions and recommendations of the Chapter, the […]

General Chapter 2017 – wrapping up our tent – closing day

As we began the chapter with a special H. Mass asking for God’s guidance, so we closed with a beautiful intercultural thanksgiving H. Mass on Tuesday 12th September. We thank in a special way the outgoing leadership team for their great work, and welcome the new team, promising them our prayers in this time of […]

The New Leadership Team Is Elected!

Today the 13th General Chapter gathered in Shillington presents the new elected leadership team of the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of the Precious Blood: Along with the new Superior General – Sr. Monica Mary Ncube cps (middle) – who was elected on Saturday, the following sisters were elected to the new General leadership team […]

New Superior General Elected!

With great joy and thankful hearts today we announce the outcome of the election of our new Superior General: Sr. Monica Mary Ncube CPS Sr. Monica Mary was born in Plumtree, Zimbabwe, in 1949. Since 2014 she has been the Provincial Superior of the North American Province (NAP). From 1978-1982 she trained as a nurse […]

General Chapter 2017 – The space of our tent widens

As we have said goodbye to the month of August and are almost halfway the great task entrusted to us here at the General Chapter in the USA, it is time for an overview over the last two weeks. The first days of the chapter were filled with the reports – namely the report of […]

13th General Chapter is declared open!

On 20 August the 13th General Chapter of the Missionary Sisters of the Precious Blood was officially opened. 44 Sisters from 12 provinces and regions are gathered in Shillington to discuss and discern the situation of the congregation and plan steps for the future. The General Chapter is the highest authority of the Congregation and […]

General Chapter 2017

  A tent … is a meeting place; a place of encounter with God and one another, … is a shelter, but a tent is also open and allows us to see the wonder of the stars and feel the spirit of the wind on the face, … breaks down rigid barriers,  … needs firm pegs that can hold […]


Mission at the heart of the Christian faith Dear Brothers and Sisters, Once again this year, World Mission Day gathers us around the person of Jesus, “the very first and greatest evangelizer” (Paul VI, Evangelii Nuntiandi, 7), who continually sends us forth to proclaim the Gospel of the love of God the Father in the power […]

Easter 2017 – Rejoice!

Rejoice! Hidden within your life is a seed of resurrection, an offer of life ready to be awakened. That is what this night calls us to proclaim: the heartbeat of the Risen Lord. Christ is alive! That is what quickened the pace of Mary Magdalene and the other Mary. That is what made them return […]