Ad Limina Visit of the Scandinavian Bishops’ Conference

Pope Francis welcomed the Bishops of northern Europe (Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Iceland) for their ad limina visit in Rome on 5-12 June 2018.  Sr. Anna Mirijam Kaschner, CPS, Secretary General of the Scandinavian Bishops’ Conference, had the opportunity to meet the Holy Father as well as visit the different dicasteries. The Bishops’ Conference of the Scandinavian countries […]

In God’s Hand

Beside the candles – a symbol of growing unity – we have this carving called In God’s Hand – a symbol of Hope and Trust for our EU Province. God’s hand supports three people – holding the new EU Province established from 2 provinces/ 1 region, comprising 5 countries – all represented here today. We find even our […]

The CPS European Province Candle

Originally one thick candle with three wicks had been envisaged to symbolize “Unity”. The outcome: Three individual candles very close to each other, touching each other, symbolizing the process of growing union between the three regions concerned. The three candles are placed on a labyrinth – not the usual labyrinth where paths are marked. (They […]

The Wheel – A Symbol for our new European Province

The Wheel is a symbol of the Trinity, of Community, and also of our new CPS European Province.  During morning prayer on 6 May 2018, Sr. Sarto Stürmer CPS shared her “Wheel Meditation” to begin the historic day celebrating the Inauguration of our new CPS European Province and the Installation of our new EU Province […]


CPS Europe has lengthened its cords and widened the space of its tent!  The CPS European Province is now a reality with the inauguration of the new EU Province on 6 May 2018 at the Motherhouse Heilig Bloed, The Netherlands.  Congratulations! We thank all the Sisters and the outgoing leadership teams of the Netherland Region, […]

Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors (PCPM) – Reappointment of Sr. Hermenegild Makoro, CPS as Member

Congratulations to Sr. Hermenegild Makoro, CPS, who was reappointed to the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors (PCPM) by Pope Francis last February. Born in South Africa and currently the Secretary General of the Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference, Sr. Hermenegild visited Rome on 17-22 April 2018 to attend the PCPM meeting with its newly appointed […]

The First African Superior General Visits Austria

On the occasion of the first visit of Sr. Monica Mary Ncube, Superior General, to Klosterwernberg, our Austrian Provincialate, the Diocese of Gurk published the following on 22 March 2018.  Click here for the article Sr. Monica Mary Ncube, Superior General of about 800 Missionary Sisters of the Precious Blood worldwide, was elected in September of […]

Installation of the New CPS Leadership Team

On 14 October 2017, the new CPS Leadership Team was installed in Rome.  Starting on the left, they are: Sr. Monica Mary Ncube (Superior General) from Zimbabwe, Sr. Caroline Mjomba (Vicaress General) from Kenya, Sr. Walburga Ballhausen from Germany, Sr. Marguerite Uy from the Philippines/Canada, and Sr. Ursel Beyerle from Germany. Reflecting on the call of Moses […]